Free talk T: I am Su Hai, What’s your name? Where do you live? How do you come to school? T: Great! Today, I am very happy. Because there is a party in my home. Would you like to come to my party? (Yes.) T: Thank you. You should answer my questions. Where do I live? Where is my home? How do you get to my home? (出示2张不同的地图)Which map is true? You can ask me for help. 通过师生自由会话简单自然过渡到本单元有关问路及指路的话题,新授短语get to, ask…for help. T: (出示人物图片)Now, my friend Yang Ling also wants to know the way to my home. Today, We are going to learn new lesson Unit 3 Asking the way板书课题Unit 3 Asking the way (通过参加SuHai的聚会来激起学生寻找路线图的兴趣,课堂中,大家齐心解决疑问,分享成果,一起收获,共同提高。高年级学生不应总是由教师扶着学习,老师可根据教材的难易程度放手让学生自主学习。)
Step 2 Presentation
Watch the cartoon, then answer: How many places are there in the story? Who are in the story? 2. Listen and tick ,then try to say the phrases: Park Station, bookshop, Moon Street, City Library Station… 3. Watch the cartoon and fill in the blank. 教学go along/walk to, traffic lights, get on, get off 4.Listen and repeat (本环节是故事内容的整体呈现和学习。通过第一遍观看动画回答问题,让学生整体把握故事内容;通过听并勾出正确的答案,让学生学习故事中的细节;通过观看动画并填空,整体学习故事;最后让学生跟读录音,指导学生朗读的语音语调。) Step 3 Practice for reading
Read together 2. Read in roles 3. Act out the story (整体呈现故事之后,通过各种形式的朗读,熟练掌握故事内容和重点句型,为下一节课表演做准备。)
Step4 Consolidation
1.Play a guessing game: show some maps ,then try to describe and guess. 2. Show time : How do you get home from your school? Please draw a map and give directions. (猜谜游戏和绘图完美结合,有动有静,有说有做,让学生自主表演各种动作,并根据动作说出相应的句型。学生观察仔细,表达积极,在不知不觉中巩固了所学知识。)
Step 5Summary
2. Writing time: write some words on the paper.
Step 6 Homework
Listentothetapeandfollowittwotimes. B. 完成《伴你学》Story time剩下的题目
Try to recite the story time.试着复述story time 部分。
B.仿照story time 设计路线图并编写对话,试着与父母交流。
板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way
How do I get to your home,SuHai?
Go along this street You can get on … at…and get off at …