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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级上册Section C下载详情
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Try to improve my classroom management ability by asking different levels of questions and assigning different levels of tasks according to my students’ reactions and giving clear direction.

Focal points:

1. Use reading micro- skills to comprehend the passage.

2. Master the method to write: Topic sentence + Supporting sentences.

Difficult points:

Students can use the method “Topic sentence + Supporting sentences” to write down a short passage about keeping healthy.


Stage One: Warm up

Step 1:Greetings.

Talk about the changeable weather which can influence our mood. Today’s cool weather is good for our health.

Purpose: to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Step 2: Lead-in

Present some pictures such as, TFboys, Running Men, vegetables, instant noodles, staying up late. Let student think: What can you see?

Purpose: to arouse the students’ interest, lead in the topic. Teach “habit” .

Stage Two: Pre-reading

Step 1:Group the habits.

Present some habits. Students can put them into two groups(healthy or unhealthy) and point out the reason.

Step 2: Look at the picture and guess the topic.

Present the picture in the passage and students guess the main idea of the passage.

Purpose: to lead students guess the topic according to the illustration.

Step 3: Infer

Present some words and phrases, students infer: what may/must /can’t be in his talk?

Purpose: to Learn to infer according to the topic.

Stage Three: While-reading

Step 1: Fast reading

Read the passage quickly, check their guessing and find the topic sentences of each paragraph.

Purpose: to guide the students where to find the topic sentences.

Step 2: Careful reading

Read Para1and finish the table, then try to understand the writing method “Topic sentence + Examples(why)”

Read Para 2 and fill the blanks, then then try to understand the writing method “Topic sentence + Warm tips”. Discuss: if we use the first writing method, how to rewrite Para 2.