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七年级下册(2013年1月第1版)《Reading ‘Electricity all around’》精品教案下载-鄂尔多斯市优质课

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Teaching procedures

Step1. Getting ready

Step2. Pre-reading

In our daily lives, what kinds of things need electricity?

How do people produce electricity?

Look at the photos and the title of the story on page 73. Then answer the questions.

Step3. While-reading

Task1. Read and make the article into three parts according to the main ideas.

Part 1 (Paragraphs ____ ): Daisy is going to the shop, and Benny tries to trick her by asking her to buy a packet of electricity for him. Daisy agrees and Benny thinks she is foolish.

Part 2 (Paragraphs _____ ): Benny explains that electricity comes through wires. His dad explains that people get electricity from the power station through wires and cables.

Part 3 (Paragraphs ______ ): Daisy returns with some batteries, the packets of electricity Benny asked for. Benny is surprised and now it is Benny who looks foolish.

Task2. According to the first part of the text, tell whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the statement if it’s false.

( ) Daisy was going to buy a packet of sweets.

( ) Benny didn’t reply to his sister because he wanted nothing.

( ) Benny didn’t think Daisy could buy electricity in packets like sweets.

( ) Benny wanted to make Daisy look foolish.

( ) Mum was happy about that.

Task3. According to the second part, answer the following questions.

(1) How does electricity come into our flats?

(2) What is it like?

(3) What are the wires connected to?

(4) What are the cables connected to?

(5) What does electricity give us?

Task4. The pictures below show electricity gets to Benny’s flat. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. (D2)

cable power station wire

Task5. According to the third part, answer the following questions.

(1) What did Daisy buy?

(2) Was she right?

(3) Why?

Task6. Translate the following phrases into English.

