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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Story time下载详情
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What’s your hobby?/ What do you like doing?

Step2 Presentation and preparation

1. What museum is it? It’s a museum about Chinese festivals.

2. Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Double Ninth Festival. Which one do you like best?

Step 3 Learn four festivals

1. Spring Festival

(1). Open the red door.

(2). Listen to a passage and find the answer to these questions.

A. When is the festival? B. What do people do? C. What do people eat?

(3) Read after T and work in pairs

2. Dragon Boat Festival

(1). Open the green door.

(2). Let’s listen to a passage and do T or F questions.

(3). Read together.

3. Mid-Autumn Festival

(1). Open the blue door.

(2). Let’s read and try to ask

(3). Let’s look at the picture, fill in the blanks.

(4). Read together.

4. Double Ninth Festival

(1). Open the yellow door.

(2). Watch the cartoon.

(3). Choose the right answers.

(4). Read together

Step4 Happy reading

Read together.

Choose one festival to read in your groups.

Step5 Do the tasks

1. Task 1: Guide wanted: We need a guide for Chinese Festival Museum.

2. Task 2: Make a brochure: Take out the papers and work in your groups.
