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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Part C & D下载详情
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T;You all do very well.

From Unit1-4,we learn the simple past tense.It means sth happened in the past.They’re always with the past time,like yesterday,any more?

S:(say more about it …ago,last…,this morning,then,just then)

Read after the teacher,read together

T;In the past we use the past time.We should also chang the verbs.like laugh-laughed.Please say the changing rules of the verbs.


T:Read Rule 3together. Say more words like this.(study,cry,worry)

T:Read Rules4together.Saymore words like this.(chat,travel,stop,plan)

T:But more words are irregular.Let me check with you.

T:Please say the past form of verbs quickly.

SS: say together .

These words are very difficult for you.You need to read them again and again.Can you make a sentence with them?

Ss:I’ll make a sentence too.Summer holiday is coming.How will you spend you holiday?Maybe my efriend can give you some good ideas?Please listen to her,and tell me about what did she do last summer holiday? While reading please write down the key words or phrases?ready?

T:Lily likes reading.She likes the story very much.Do you remember the story? Can you retell the story?

Each group can choose a picture and act .

P1 Who can? P2 Who wants to try?

T:I’m very happy that you can tell the story so well.

Step3.Ask and answer

T:Lily likes not only reading ,but also likes travelling.She went to Beijing and visited many places. Do you have any questions about her trip?You can ask where or other words?discuss in groups.

T:Please ask Lily some questions.

T:These are some good questions from you.Let’s read together.

T:Please read the diary by yourself and answer some questions.

Ss:Read it loudly.

T:When we didn’t understand that happened in the past,you can ask others for help,where,who,…or was were did,are you clear?

Step4Talk and say

Lily went to Beijing and lived in her grandparents’home.At night they had dinner together .After dinner she talked with her grandparents about then and now.

Rrom Unit4,we know many differences.What’re the differences?You can tell me how to make friends ,shop,commucite or get information.You can say 20 years ago,people___.now we____.Understand?Talk in groups.


Step5 Look and say

T:In fact,great changes have taken place.Look at the pictures and tell the differences.