5. 能正确演唱歌曲“Two little blackbirds”。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting & Sing a song
1. Greeting
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, Mr/Miss …
T: Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you, too.
2. Sing a song
T: I have two animal friends, one named Jack and one named Jill. Do you want to meet them?
S: Yes.
T: OK, listen! Here they are. (播放歌曲“Two little blackbirds”一遍)
T: Do you like this song? Now follow me. (老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作) This time, let’s try to sing and do some actions together.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Talk about City A
T: A lovely song, yes?
S: …
T: (教师利用歌曲“Two little blackbirds”向学生提出几个关于鸟的话题)
Do you like birds?
What birds do you know?
Can you see any birds in our city?
Where can you see any birds?
T: I’ll show you some pictures. (向学生展示一组风景优美、环境幽雅的城市图片,然后提出问题让学生思考和讨论,引入话题) These pictures are of City A. What can you see in the pictures?
S1: I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees.
S2: I can see many birds. They are flying high in the sky.
S3: I can see a clean river.