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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Story time下载详情
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Step 1Warming-up

1.Watch a video

T:From the video, there are many places of interest in our country. Do you want to visit them?


T:Me too.

T:Luckily,last National Day Holiday, I went to Beijing and Shanghai (这时问学生什么时候是国庆节?然后教授这一短语)

T: I took some photos there. Would you like to enjoy them?

为学生展示Great Wall 并做讲解(It is a symbol of China)

Palace Museum (It’s the imperial palace of ancient Chinese emperors故宫是中国古代皇帝的皇宫

Summer Palace (t is a imperial garden in Chinese Qing Dynasty颐和园是中国清朝时期的皇家园林)

Tian’an men square (It is one of the largest city squares in the world天安门广场是世界上最大的城市广场之一)

China Pavilion (中国馆)

the Oriental Pearl Tower (东方明珠塔)

T: We had a lot of fun in these famous places. Today let’s share our holiday fun together.

揭题Unit 3 Holiday fun(领读Holiday)

Step 2 Free talk

T: Now tell me something about your holiday. Where did you go?

S1: I went to …

S2: I went to …

S3:I went to …

T: You went to many places. Next, ask and answer one by one in your group.

Step 3 presentation

1. Look and guess

T: Just now we talked about our National Day holiday. Mike and Liu Tao are talking about their holiday, too. Look at the pictures. Where did they go for the holiday ? Just guess.(看图,教师引导)


S1: Liu Tao went to

S2: Mike went to …

2. Watch and answer

T: Are you right? Next , let’s watch the cartoon and find where exactly they went .
