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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Story time下载详情
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教学难点:能听懂、会读、会说不规则动词bite, let, wake的过去式。


Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Free talk & Warm-up

T: Hello, boys and girls. Did you have a nice winter holiday? What are you going to do in the new term? Can you make a study plan?

S: I’m going to …

T: Are you going to read English every day? What are you going to read?

S: I’m going to read English stories/newspapers/books/…

T: What English stories did you read?

S: I read … (Goldilocks and the three bears/Cinderella/The king’s new clothes …)

T: Today we’ll read a story about animals. Let’s have a look!

【设计意图:紧扣Story time中的Learning tip要求,让学生说说本学期的计划,并由此引出阅读英语故事的话题,然后谈论复习学生学过的童话类故事,引出有关动物的主题。】

Step 2 Presentation

1. PPT shows the description of the lion. Ss guess what animal it is.

T: It’s large and strong. It has big sharp teeth. It can run fast. It’s the king of the forest. What is it?

( large (very very big), sharp

S: A lion. (板书贴图)

T: There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. (板书large、strong) Look! What is this? (Show the mouse) (板书贴图) Can the lion and the mouse be friends? Why?

Ss discuss in groups and debate.

( The lion and the mouse can/can’t be friends. Because the lion is … and/but the mouse is …

( not strong = weak (板书small、weak)

T: All of you did a good job! Today we’ll learn the story about the lion and the mouse. You’ll know if the lion and the mouse can be friends.


2. Story time

(1) T: Let’s watch the cartoon and get the answer.

Ss watch the cartoon of Story time.

T: Can they be friends?

S: Yes! (板书became friends)

T: What happened? Can you try to put the sentences in order?