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选修八《Unit 1 Educational Exchange Programs Section 2: MEANING IN CONTEXT》优秀教案

1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures.

2. In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.

Teaching Important Points:

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

Activity1: Greetings

T: Class begins. Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang!

Activity 2: Talk about the types of film

T: Ok, class, do you like seeing films?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great minds think alike (英雄所见略同). I also like seeing films. What kind of film do you like? Let’s enjoy some film posters first.

(Show the posters on the screen)

T: Do you like these posters? Maybe except the last one. It is a bit terrible, right? Ok, the first poster tells a story of a lovely pig, and his name is “麦兜”. So, this kind of film is called cartoon film. Can you give any other examples? Such as “Finding Nemo” and Shrek. The second one is “E.T.”, so it’s science fiction film”. I think you’re very familiar with the third one, it’s “我的野蛮女友”, so it is a love story. The fourth one is “古墓丽影”, so it is adventure film. The fifth one is the latest Jackie Chan’s film, it’s “New Police Story”. We call it action film. Ok, now let’s come to the last one. It looks very terrible, right? So, it’s horrible film.

T: Which kind do you like best? Maybe most of girls like love stories, such as “Titanic”, while boys like action films, such as “New Police Story”.

T: Ok, ××, which film impressed you most? Why? Who is your favorite actor/actress? What do you think of him/her?

(Ask 2-3 students to answer)

Activity 3:Talk about the film posters

T: Ok, class. Just now we’ve talked something about “The silver screen”, it means “银屏” in Chinese. You know I’m also a movie fan. I like collecting film posters. I want to share them with you. Do you want to have a look?

(Show the film poster “Stuart Little”, and stick it on the blackboard)

T: Who is he? In Chinese we call him “精灵鼠小弟”. Yes, he is Stuart Little. Do you like him? I think he is so lovely! What is he different from other mice? He can speak, think and do everything a person can do. He has fingers, legs and he wears clothes and a hat. What clothes does he wear?

Ss: He wears a yellow T-shirt, a red sweater and blue trousers.