Provide the students different covers of the same story which are titled in different languages and have the students say the name in English. (说明:展现狮子和老鼠不同语言的版本,请学生说出英文版)
2. Have a talk
The story The lion and the mouse means different things to different people. The students have a talk about what the story means to them.
( 说明:狮子和老鼠这一寓言故事对于不同的人意味着不同的道理,如:一切皆有可能;不要以貌取人;善有善报等等。请学生思考,对于老师列举的道理,自己最赞同哪一点,为什么)
3. Have a practice
We not only learn life experience from this story, but also a lot about the language. Students list the adverbs both from and out of the story and have a practice with these words.
E.g. I’m the lion. I shout excitedly.
Step 3 Stories around me
Listen and think
The teacher makes a story with the 6 pictures presented in the book and reads it to the students.
Think and write
Students think and finish the story.
Read and check
Students read in pairs. One reads the first part, the other the second part.
(说明:学生完成故事并结对朗读故事,同时进行一个小交流:是否喜欢这个故事。不喜欢?因为不是 happy ending。 谁能帮助那个受伤的人?Anyone. 由此引出本课第三个层次)
Step 3 Stories about me
Think and write
Present students the picture from the e-mail and have them talk about the picture.
Then students finish and read Su Hai’s e-mail and list more verbs in their past forms.
2. Read and enjoy
Helping people makes us happy and feel good.
Students read two more similar stories – The Batkid and the Whole City, Ariana and Her Hair and have a small talk.
Who helped Batkid? Who did Ariana help? What do you think of these two stories?
Think and write: One Nice Thing
Students write down one nice thing they have done for the other people or the other people have done for them by modeling the Batkid’s or Ariana’s story.
(说明:以这两个故事为例,启发学生你们有没有帮助过别人,或者接受过别人的帮助,请围绕这一主题写One nice thing,并以上述两个小故事为例指导学生可以从哪几个方面来写,同时告诉他们如果能用上副词会更棒)