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师梦圆高中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版高二上册Unit 8 Advertising下载详情
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高二上册《Module Four Buying and Selling Unit 8 Advertising 》优秀教案

Enable students to fully understand the text through reading, listening and discussion

Inspire students to express their own opinion

Skill and ability objectives:

Help students practice reading skill: skimming and scanning

Help students practice listening skill: locating the gist and details while listening

Help students practice speaking by talking about something relevant to the topic

Instructional objectives:

Raise students’ awareness of how to design an advertisement and the importance of cultural difference


Group work, communicative approach



Procedure: (教学过程)

Time Activity Detail Purpose 2 minutes Warming-up Talk about the video before the lesson and how to design an advertisement Raise the students’ interest. Help students gain some background knowledge of advertisement

15 minutes Talk about the three steps of a successful advertisement Skim the passage and try to find out the three steps

Scan the passage and then fill in the table

Discuss something relevant to the passage

Retell the passage with the help of the key words Enable students fully understand the three steps of a successful advertisement. 6 minutes Analyze an advertisement made by McDonald’s. Show an advertisement to the students

Analyze it according to the three steps (group work optional) Enable students to put theory into practice and view the advertisement in a specialized way. 8 minutes Listen and talk about the main idea of the tape Listen to the tape and try to figure out why the advertisement is a total failure.

Listen to the tape again and then retell the story according to the key words taken down. Enable students to realize the importance of cultural background when making an advertisement in a foreign country. 8 minute Design an advertisement for McDonald’s in Brazil. Draw a conclusion

Assign a group work

Share the group work in the whole class. Provide students with a stage to express themselves, using what they have learned in the classroom. 1 minute Conclusion and assignment Comment on the students’ performance and then assign the homework to the students. Conclude and then assign homework