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牛津上海版英语高二上册《Module Four Buying and Selling Unit 8 Advertising 》优质课教案

To learn to generalize the main idea of each passage of reading.

To learn to finish the new test paper about grammar.

To learn to make choices about vocabularies.

Teaching Difficulties:

Analyze the structures of the sentences.

Teaching Approach:

Task-based approach.

Teaching Aid:

Multimedia equipment

Teaching Procedure:

Pre-task: ⑴ Present the difficult words and explain the meaning in order to help the students understanding before listening.

Key words: ambition :the desire or determination to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

Phrase: have the ambition to do

a deserted engine : empty, abandoned, uninhabited

signalmen: a person whose job is operating signals on a railway

⑵Play the listening material and let students choose the answers.

⑶ Check out the answers and assist them to solve the confusion.

while- task: ⑴guess what word we will choose before filling the blank.

7 given words:

9 other words:

(2) What is the main idea about passage A and Passage B

(3) Analyze the difficult points: P26, P28, P29, P34, P36, P37,P38 and figure out the same points such as 连词问题和时态问题

(4)check out the questions about vocabulary and explain the approaches to finishing the tasks.

relieve: vt. relieve one’s burden/ grief relief: n.

to one’s relief 使某人欣慰的是