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牛津上海版高三下册《Module Three Planning for the Future Unit 5 Future Education》优秀教案设计

improve contents of writing by choosing proper examples

Teaching Focus:

To guide students to vary their expression and choose proper contents

Teaching Procedures:


Teacher’s Activities

Students’ Activities

Purpose of the activity


Ask students to work in groups to review the key elements in writing

Work in groups to list the key elements in writing

1.To activate students’ knowledge of key elements of a passage

2. To lead to today's focus


1. Ask students make comments on a piece of writing in terms of outline, content, grammar and language

2. Have Students rewrite the first paragraph by combining sentences

3. Have students rewrite point one by varying the beginning of the sentences

4. Ask students to rewrite point two and three by using convincing reasoning and vivid examples

5. Have students rewrite the body with the skills reviewed and practiced above

1. Read a piece of writing and comment on it in terms of outline, content, grammar and language

2. Rewrite the first paragraph by combining sentences

3. rewrite point one by varying the beginning of the sentences

4. Rewrite point two and three by using convincing reasoning and vivid examples

5. Rewrite the body with the skills reviewed and practiced above

1. To lead students to be aware of the components of a passage