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Enable the students to learn to use the -ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative.

3. Learning ability goals

Help the students learn how to use the -ing form as the attribute, the object complement and the predicative.

Teaching important points

Let the students know the members of the sentence and the structures of the sentences with the -ing form.

Teaching difficult points

Help the students to tell the -ing form as the predicative and the usage of the present continuous tense.

Teaching methods

Practice and conclude.

Teaching aids

A computer and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways

Step1 Discovering useful structures

There are two steps in this part. One is to revise the usage of the -ing form which the students have learned in Unit 2. The other one is to learn the new usage of the -ing form.

Task 1 Revision

Have a revision about the -ing form used as the subject and the object. Here are some sentences for the students to translate.

1. Talking to him is talking to a wall.

2. Smoking may cause cancer.

3. Walking is my sole exercise.

4. Talking mends no holes.

5. I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.

6. He admitted taking the money.

7. I couldn’t help laughing.

8. Your coat needs brushing.

Task 2 New usage of the -ing form