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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块九 Module IX Communicating with other culturesWord power: Religions; Religious words下载详情
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模块九 Module IX Communicating with other cultures《Unit 4 Behind beliefs Word power Religions; Religious words 》优秀教案

Thoughts on the design:


Teaching aims:

After learning this section, the students will be presented different expressions related to religious and some religious words. They will read a passage about religions around the world and then learn some religious expressions that are used in everyday English without religious meaning. Exercises are designed for students to practice and reinforce the new vocabulary they have just learnt. Students are expected to make themselves familiar with the expressions related to religion.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Holy places of different religions (PPT5-6)

Show students pictures of temples of Buddhism.

Temples are a good choice for Buddhists to worship in, and where do other religious people go to worship?

(Possible answer: Muslims say prayers five times a day. They pray in a building called mosque.)

2. Introduction of mosque (PPT7-8)

What are the architectural features of a mosque?

(Possible answer: The architecture of mosque is unique. It is based on Muslim traditions and uses of the mosque.)

It is said that the first mosque was built based on the structure of Muhammad’s house in the city of Medina. Basically, a mosque consists of a courtyard, a domed hall and a fountain. Before prayer, people need to wash themselves in the fountain and then they can worship in the courtyard or the hall facing the holy city of Mecca. The wall facing Mecca is called qibla. It is not allowed to draw human forms in the mosque, so all the decorations appear as shapes such as circles and squares.

3. Other places for worship

Show pictures and introduce. (PPT9-11)

Christians worship in a church.

Jews pray in a synagogue and rest.

Hindus worship at a Hindu temple.



Step 2 Religions around the world

1. Common features (PPT12-13)

There are so many beliefs or religions, what else do you think that they have something in common?

(Possible answer: 1. Different from superstition, which has no central beliefs. 2. Encourage people to do good. 3. Have a power to call on people to devote themselves to that religion. 4. Sometimes restrictive or judgmental of people’s lives. 5. Help people live their lives in a positive way. 6. Motivate people to be compassionate, kind and loving.)
