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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块九 Module IX Communicating with other culturesTask(1): Designing a Beijing opera mask: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情
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译林版模块九 Module IX Communicating with other cultures《Unit 3 The meaning of colour Task(1) Designing a Beijing opera mask Skills building 1 and 2》优秀教案设计

Step 2 Brainstorm to review more words about personality:

brave adj 勇敢的--- bravery n

trust n.-- trustworthy adj 值得信赖的---- untrustworthy adj

ambition n. 雄心,抱负,野心----- ambitious adj 雄心勃勃的---- unambitious adj

honest adj 诚实的--- honesty n.---- dishonest adj 不诚实的--- dishonesty n.

noble adj 高尚的, 贵族的--- nobility n. 高尚,高贵

violent adj 暴力的,猛烈的 ------ violence n

just adj 公平的,公正的---justice n. --- unjust adj 不公平的-- injustice n. 不公平

fair adj 公平的--- unfair adj

moral adj高尚的--- morality n.

intelligent adj 聪明的, 有智慧的--- intelligence n 智力, 智慧

Find out the positive adjectives above:______________________________________

Find out the negative adjectives above :_____________________________________

Step 3 Let’s read

I. new words

dimensions?[d?'men?(?)n; da?-]方面,维度

identification[a??dent?f?'ke?n] ?鉴定,识别, 身份证----- identify vt 确认,鉴别------identity n.本身,身分ch

character 角色,人物 characteristic n.性格,特征 adj 典型的

a general from the Three Kingdoms periods三国演义中的将军

facial adj 面部的--- face n

reddish adj 略带红色的 ---- red

unconditional adj 无条件的….. conditional adj----condition n

In Beijing opera, performers are required to paint their faces in patterns(图案,样式) and colours to help show the dimensions?[d?'men?(?)n; da?-]方面,维度 and depths of their characters’ personalities. The colours used represent different qualities and character types. The main colour on the face or mask gives the audience the identification[a??dent?f?'ke?n] ?鉴定,识别 of the character’s most important quality.

In Beijing opera, facial painting can be quite complex. However, in the beginning, only three colours were used -----red, white, and black. Now, many other colours, such as yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.

Red is a colour for brave characters who can be given unconditional trust. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms periods(AD220-280), is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous for always serving his blood brother, LiuBei.
