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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块九 Module IX Communicating with other culturesTask(2): Planning a trip: Skills building 3下载详情
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模块九 Module IX Communicating with other cultures《Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures Task(2) Planning a trip Skills building 3》优秀教案

Teaching important points:

1. Encourage students to express their ideas.

2. Know clearly in which situation they can use some advanced words, phrases, sentence patterns and links.

Teaching difficult points:

1. How to stimulate students’ creative ability.

2. How to enable students to use what they have learned to create a wonderful composition.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Ask students to compare two compositions and say which is better and likely to be scored higher.

2. Discuss what are the criteria of a wonderful composition.

Step 2: Skills-building

Tell students in order to write a good essay they can try three steps:

analyze the topic and main idea.

polish up languages and sublimate thoughts.

check for errors and copy it out.

Discuss the above one by one.

Step(1). topic and key points—the basis of good writing

Step(2). language and thoughts—the soul of good writing

A.advanced words and phrases

B. abundant sentence patterns

C. optimized paragraphs

D. profound thoughts


Ask students to find some similar words and phrases as quickly as they can. Anybody whose answer is right will get a surprise.

Step(3) check and copy---- the necessity of good writing.
