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(必修)英语5二年级英语《Theme A History and People Olympics Games Unit 1 Olympic History Writing》精品课教案

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(必修)英语5二年级英语《Theme A History and People Olympics Games Unit 1 Olympic History Writing》精品课教案

班级 Grade 1 课时 1 授课时间 40分钟 指导

教师 教材分析 This book is published by Chongqing University Press. This unit builds on the theme of figures. The topic of this section is about an introduction to a person. 学情分析 The students are from Grade 1 in a rural middle school. Most of them are very weak in the English language, especially in speaking and writing. But they are familiar to the topic. 教学目标 语言

能力 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

master the words, phrases and sentences of introducing a person: Beautiful/pretty/handsome/good-looking/lovely/easy-going/diligent; enjoy/have a passion for/be interested in/be fond of / be keen on/ take delight in;

Wang Yuan, born in Chongqing on November 8th, 2000, is a handsome, lovely, smart, and kind-hearted boy. He sets a good example. As a result, people speak highly of him and so on.

master the five aspects of introducing a person:

Ⅰ) Personal information: name, birthday(age) and birth place…

Ⅱ) Appearance and character

Ⅲ) Education, interests and hobbies

Ⅳ) Big events in his or her life(in order of time)

Ⅴ) Evaluation or achievements

talk about a person with the help of the words, phrases and sentences about introducing a person.

(4) write an introduction to a person according to some clues.


品格 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to work in groups to talk about a person in English with the help of the words, phrases and sentences about introducing a person.


品质 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an introduction to a person logically with the help of some clues. 学习

能力 (1) After learning the table about the five aspects of introducing a person, Ss can conclude main points when they read or write.

(2) Through discussing and writing, Ss will realize what they should do from now on in order to achieve their dreams or goals, so they will take an active part in learning English. 过程与方法 Through the application of task-based learning skills and communicative approach, Ss can introduce a person in both speech and writing. 教学重点 Ss will be able to talk about a person using the words, phrases and sentences about introducing a person. 教学难点 Ss will be able to write an introduction to a person logical according to some clues. 教学资源 Text; audio, handout, Multi-media (PPT) 教学方法 Task –based Language Teaching,Communicative Approach 板书计划 Introduction to a person

Ⅰ) Personal information: name, birthday(age) and birth place

Ⅱ) Appearance and character

Ⅲ) Education, interests and hobbies

Ⅳ) Big events in his or her life(in order of time)

Ⅴ) Evaluation or achievements 教学过程 教学环节

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