1、体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。
Step 1 Pre-reading
1. Free talk: T: How do you go to school? How does your mother﹨father go to work?
S: On foot or by bike﹨bus﹨car
T: 总结 : Every day, we walk or drive on the road.
2. Look at some pictures. (看一些行人、司机图片)
1)Look and judge. Are they right? Ss: Yes, yes, yes! ﹨No. no, no!
2)T:总结We must keep safe.﹨Road safety is very important.
3. Lead-in: T:揭题:Today we are going to talk about “.
4. T:Do you know any rules?
Ss: 学生自由说说交通规则:eg: We must look for a zebra crossing. We must look at the traffic lights.
Step 2 While-reading (Story time)
1. 学习课文第一部分。Let’s learn from the storytime.
1)Read freely
2)Try to answer with “first…,then…”
3) Read together
Finish the form:
Teach: green﹨red man
T: What is green man? What is red man? What do they mean?
The policeman tells us. Let’s read and act.
4)Read and act the policeman.
T: When the light is green , that means we can cross the road
When the light is red, that means we must not cross the road.
What about the yellow man?
Ss: (根据学生已有知识经验)It means “wait”