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译林2011课标版三年级起点《Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time》优质课教案下载-德宏州优课

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2. 能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。


1.在前两课时的基础上使用一般将来时将Cartoon time的故事表达出来。

Teaching procedures 教学过程:

Step 1 Warming up.

1、listen to a song.《It’s party time》.

2、Free talk.

T:Boys and girls, are you ready for class?

S: Yes. We are .

T:Class begins. Good morning ,boys and girls.

S:Good morning. Miss Xu.

Step 2 Cartoon time

1. Pre-reading.

T: Children, before class, we enjoyed the song about the party. Do you like parties? S:Yes,I do.

T:Me too. Our friend Bobby also likes parties .Look , he is going to have a party. What questions do you want to know about Bobby’s party? You can ask Bobby some questions. (学生用语法部分已学过的单词提问)

S1: When are you going to have the party?

S2:Where are you going to have the party?

S3:What are you going to bring to the party?...

T:Well, you asked so many questions. Look, you can get the answers from the invitation.

Please answer my questions quickly.

Q1: When is Bobby going to have a party?

Q2: Where is Bobby going to have the party?

Q3: What is Bobby going to bring to the party? ...


a. Watch and answer

T:Good.Who is going to join the party? Let’s watch the cartoon and answer the question.(学生看卡通片整体感知全文,快速找出答案。)

T: Who is going to join the party?

S:Sam,Bobby,Billy and Willy.(出示四个小动物的卡通头像贴在黑板上为下面的板书做准备。)

b. Read fast and underline the answer.

T:What are they going to do at the party? Please open your book read fast and underline the answer. (学生快速划出短语,回答师板书)
