3. 学生能知道如何了解别人的计划以及如何制定自己的计划。
学生能正确朗读词汇:sound, Disneyland, Taipei.
3. 学生能正确复述课文并知道如何了解别人的计划以及如何制定自己的计划。
Step 1 Warm up
Look and say
(1)PPT 呈现曾经学过的北京、上海、英国、美国和澳大利亚的景点图片,请生边欣赏边说出景点的名称。
(2)T: These places are all very beautiful and interesting. Where do you want to go?
S: I want to go to ...
T: Some of these places are very far away from us. When can we go there?
引导生说出in summer holiday.
Guess Miss Zhou’s summer holiday plan
(1)T: This summer holiday, I will go to visit some of these places. Try to guess where I will go.
(2)PPT 呈现 My summer holiday
I'm going to a city in China.
I'll stay ( ) there for five days.
I'll eat some roast ducks and snacks.
I'll go to ________ by ________.
I'll __________________________.
②先让学生用Will you go to ...?的句型来猜测教师要去哪里,再让生用Will you go to ... by ...?来猜测教师将怎么去,最后让生用Will you ...?来猜测教师将在那做什么, 教师分别运用Yes, I will./No, I won’t.来回答,并适当解释原因。例如:I’ll go to Beijing by train. Because I don’t have a lot of money, and going to Beijing by plane needs more money than going to Beijing by train. / I’ll go to the Palace Museum, because I want to see the cultural relics. / I’ll go to the Summer Palace, because it is very beautiful. / I’ll go to the Great Wall, because there is an old saying: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. / I won’t go to Tian’anmen Square, because I don’t have so much time.
③T:This is my summer holiday plan. PPT 呈现plan, 帮助学生回忆及理解意思。
(3)PPT上依次圈出计划中要去的地方:Beijing,去的方式:by train,以及在那里做什么:eat some roast ducks and snacks和go to the Palace Museum, ...引导学生说出在老师的计划中,告诉了大家将要去哪里,怎么去以及做什么,PPT显示
Where, How和What. (板书Where, How, What)
Step 2 Presentation and practice
接上环节T: Today, we’ll learn Unit7 Summer holiday plan.(板书课题)