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牛津译林版(2019)必修三《Unit 3 The world online》Reading 2优秀教案设计

Reading 2

The Internet: a world without frontiers


By the end of this section, students will be able to:

1. grasp the structure, outline and details of the article by skimming and scanning;

2. understand how cohesive devices and comparisons are used in the article;

3. adopt a critical attitude towards the Internet.


1. To read and understand the article;

2. To describe your online activities and write a comparison of the life before and after smartphones are invented.


步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式 Application Step 1 Building the language

Students consolidate the use of new words and phrases and finish B1 on Page 33. Check the answers together. 创设语境,让学生运用生词,巩固新知,加深对文本内容的理解。 3’

Individual Work

Class Work Step 2 The teacher has students think of online activities. Students pay attention to the collocation of online activities and summarize how the collocations form. Then students put online activities into the categories listed in B2 on Page 33. Students work in groups to create new categories and collocation of online activities. Students finish B2 on the same page. 引导学生观察词组构成形式,掌握词组搭配构造特点,拓展词汇储备。 7’

Individual Work

Group Work Consolidation Step 3 The teacher lets students review the advantages of the Internet and describe what life was like before the Internet appeared. The teacher asks students answer the following questions.

1. How does the author show more clearly what life was like before the Internet appeared?

2. Can you give some examples to show that?

Students work in groups and summarize how to make one’s argument more convincing and acceptable for readers. 联系生活实际,让学生回顾所学,练习表达,巩固知识;掌握写作技巧,感知“对比”特征,感悟对比的效果。 5’