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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid下载详情
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选择性必修二《Unit 5 First Aid》Discovering useful structures优秀教案


The Grammatic Function of the Verb-ing Form in Sentences: Gerunds are used as subject, object, predicate and attributive in sentences, and the present participle is used as adverbial, object complement and attributive in sentences.

1. Lead students to rewrite the sentence with the -ing form and summarize the different structures in the sentence

2. Lead students to summarize the grammatical function of the "ing" form of the verb and understand its expressive effect.

3. Guide students to learn grammar from self-induction of grammar rules to flexible use of grammar points and language output.

4. Guide students to understand the difference between –ing form of verbs and the gerund forms.

Guide students to learn grammar from self-induction of grammar rules to flexible use of grammar points and language output.

Guide students to understand the difference between –ing form of verbs and the gerund forms.

Step1: The teacher asks studwents to find out all the sentences in this unit containing –ing forms and then sum up their fuctions.

1.It also helps control your body temperature,prevents your body from losing too much water...

2.As you can imagine,getting burnt can lead to very serious injuries.

3.The first and most important step in the treatment of burns is giving first aid.

4.Burns are divided into three types,depending on the depth of skin damage.

5.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or petrol fires.

6.Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary,unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin.

7.Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea,as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.

8.Place burns under cool running water,especially within the first ten minutes.


