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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Modal verbs: can and cannot, may and may not, must and must not下载详情

七年级下册(2013年1月第1版)《Modal verbs: can and cannot, may and may not, must and must not》集体备课教案下载-舟山市优质课

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安排40minutes 课堂教学实施设计


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities




1. Provide some sentences to describe jobs with the modal verbs can and must;

2. Ask the students to guess the jobs according to the descriptions;

3. List the sentences used to describe jobs and indicate the definition and location in the sentence of modal verbs.

1. Guess the jobs according to the sentences provided;

2. Figure out the definition and location in the sentence of modal verbs.

1. Arouse students’ interest towards the topic;

2. Make students know how to use modal verbs to describe abilities and responsibilities;

3. Get the students know the definition of modal verbs;

Part 2

Modal verb:


1. Show a picture of a dog and ask student to tell what dogs can do and what they cannot do;

2. Figure out the structure of can in declarative sentence;

3. Ask students another two questions about dogs’ abilities. Figure out the structure of can in general question and its answer;

4. Ask students to interview their classmates about what they can or cannot do. Take notes and report it with given form.

1. Judge what dogs can do and what they cannot do;

2. Figure out the structure of can in declarative sentence;

3. Answer the questions and figure out the structure of can in general question and its answer;

4. Interview the classmates and try to report it.

1. Get the students know about the structure of can in declarative sentence and general question;

2. Get the students know how to use can in authentic situation.

Part 3

Modal verb:
