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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版七年级上册Unit 2 Our animal friends下载详情
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Use a dialogue to consolidate the passage.

Teaching aids

Multi- media; worksheet; blackboard

stageLearning activitiesTeaching purposeWarming--up

Look at some pictures of animals

and guess a riddle about panda.To warm up and get interest in learning today’s topic.Pre-reading

Do a quiz to check how much you know about the giant panda.To engage in today’s topic and form a general idea of the giant panda.

While--reading1.Read the title and the sub-headings, know about what the article talks about.To get students to learn about the steps and tips of getting the general idea of the article.2. Understand the text further by filling in the blanks.To learn and form the abilities of the information understanding and recognition by applying the reading strategy of scanning.3.Understand the text by reading

paragraph by paragraph.To develop the abilities of the generalization and summation.


Role play the conversation in groups referring to the worksheet

To make students form awareness of thinking and cooperating with others and let students use what they have learned comprehensively .Correct the mistakes in Mandy’s passage about pandas.To further consolidate the learning


AssignmentWrite an article about the giant panda.Learn by using.


= 1 \* ROMAN I .Look at the article on page 67. Complete the facts about pandas.

Adult weight: about ___________ kilograms

Life: pandas live for about _________ in the wild, but in zoos the can live

for .

Food: a panda eats about _____________ of bamboo a day.

Home: pandas live high up in the mountains of _____________________________.

Population: there are about ________ panda in the wild.

Behaviour: pandas spend more than _________ a day eating.

= 2 \* ROMAN II . Make a conversation with your partner about pandas. You can use what colour, how heavy, where, eat, how long and so on.


S1: What colour is a giant panda?

S2: It is black and white.

S1: How heavy is a panda at birth?

S2: It is about 100—200 grams.