重点:能听懂并认读there is; over there; table等新授单词,并掌握. There is ...等相关句型。
难点:1.there is; over there的正确发音。
Step1:warm up
1.Greeting. T:How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine too..(简单的问候可以帮助学生适应英语语感,拉近了师生之间的感情与交流,使学生自然地进入英语学习状态.)
2.Play the game“Show me your….”
1.I do actions, students look and say. Try to review the words of animals. (为接下来的授课做好运用准备。)
2.What’s missing? (活跃气氛的同时,再一次巩固词汇。)
Step3: presentation
1.PPT shows the pictures of tree and cat, look and try to answer the question. Where is the cat? There is a cat in the tree.(通过一步步地引导,逐步引出课题,自然呈现。)
2.Guess and say教师呈现课件,然后利用自制卡片引导学生认读table,并进行小组操练,开展开火车等方式快速认读单词。(由图片带来的视觉刺激能使学生快速感知,同时又具有直观性。)
3.Pairwork.There is a … in the zoo.(以自然轻松的方式给予学生展示的机会,感受合作学习的乐趣。为之后学生的良好表达做好铺垫。)
4. Show the part of picture. Let students guess and say out the word.
5.Pass the picture of table,lead them read. ( 教授单词时,开展多种方式认读,让学生感受到轻松愉悦的的氛围,使英语学习不太枯燥,从而实现寓教于乐。)
6. I lead out the sentence and let students say by different methods.They can say by teams, or one by one.
7. I lead them change one word of the sentence, then some individuals try to read out. And someone can be a teacher, lead others read.(培养学生的观察能力和竞争意识,引导学生进行自我评价,促进学生的发展;创设民主,宽松的学习氛围。)
8. Let’t say. Show sentences by PPT, lead them read and remember.
Step3: Dialogue teaching and patter drills.
PPT shows the short dialogue, I lead them listen and repeat.
Practice in pairs.
拓展练习. (用现有的图片,创设较为真实的场景,让学生观察,然后积极参与到句型呈现活动中,从而达到学以致用的目的。)
Exercise (listen and number.) (讲练结合,学习成效得以更好地检验。)
Step4:Summing up
Evaluate the students’ performance in class.(肯定学生的表现,鼓励他们继续努力,提升更高的学习兴趣,和自信心。另外为下节课的学习做好铺垫。)