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七年级下册(2013年1月第1版)《Reading ‘My dad’ ‘The old newspaper seller’》新课标教案下载-贺州市优质课

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PPT, pictures, video, students, blackboard

= 6 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT VI . Teaching process:

Step1. Lead in:

Ask the students to guess what is the topic of today according to the picture. Then talk about different fathers work as different jobs .At the same time show them the ordinary fathers. Then lead them into the dad in the poem.

Step2. Ask the students to listen to the tape of the poem and ask them three questions .

(1).How many verses(诗节) does the poem have?

(2).How many lines(诗行) does the poem have?

(3).What’s the rhymes(押韵) of the poem?

Step3. To lead the students to analyze the poem and understand the writer’s feeling. Pay attention to : too…to…. worried about…

Step4. Ask them to read the poem with emotion and act it out.

Step5. Ask them to write a poem according to the writing template. Ask them to show their poems.

Step 6. Show the students a philosophy sentence to raise up the class to a higher level.

Step7. A video about our dads.

Step8. Homework:

(1). Copy the poem and recite it fluently.

(2). Father's Day is coming on the third Sunday of June,what is your plan for it?

= 7 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT VII . Design on the blackboard

My dad

At home At work

Has a shower, eats dinner, works on the building site,

Sits in his chair, go to bed walk on a piece of wood

Too tired to laugh or play Not worried; Not afraid

He’s a boring man He ‘s a superman

Express the love to


这节课我是通过图片入手,先展示出从事不同职业的父亲的图片。然后由这些父亲导入到poem中的父亲。帮助学生通过练习的方式复习了构成poem的元素特征,从而为学生正确透彻地理解这首诗打下基础。然后分析这首诗,从两个诗节verses中父亲身处地点入手At home, At work再通过父亲的动作来得出父亲当时的感受,一是:Too tired to laugh or play, 还有一个是:Not worried ;Not afraid. 同时也得出作者对父亲的评价,由之前的 He’s a boring man到 He’s a superman,表达了作者对父亲的爱,突出了这个主题,此时把板书设计成 INCLUDEPICTURE \d "C:\\Users\\lenovo\\AppData\\LocalLow\\2345Pinyin\\emoji\\2018011201\\2764.png" \* MERGEFORMATINET 形状有利于学生更好地理解这首诗。诗歌是需要有感情地读的,所以我设计了有感情地读这首诗这个环节,为了增加趣味性我还在他们读的同时设计添加了一人或几人读另一个进行表演来体会父亲的辛苦与不易。然后让学生学习写简单的诗歌这个任务,此时给其以简单的指导,最后让学生展示出来。课的最后给学生呈现一段关于父亲的富有哲理的句子和视频来结束这堂课。

