1? Say? hello? to? each? other.
2? Review?? Number
A? one---twelve
B? Look? at?? the?? pictures?,?? then say.
C? Freetalk
活动二 (练习一)Prestice Look at the pictures and talk about them.
Picture 1
My father ......
Picture 2
My mother......
Picture 3
I often .......
Picture 4
My sister .......
活动三(练习二)Game 读句子,仿照说一说
My father goes to work at 8 o'clock every morning.
He is a policeman.
father : mother 、 brother、 sister 、 cousin...
8 o'clock : 9( 7、6...) o'clock 、 half past 7(6、8...)
morning : evening、 night、 afternoon...
policeman : doctor、 nurse、driver...
活动四(拓展练习)Listen and complate the sentences
1 hospital nurse
2 taxi a taxi driver
3 school teacher
4 factory worker
1 读熟课文,背会重点句。
2 写一张调查表。(纸上)