设计意图:用歌曲导入,欢快的歌曲很容易抓住学生的注意力。训练学生通过听力捕捉信息的能力。借助歌曲的语境,激活旧知,复习颜色,引导学生开始观察并用学过的语言简单描述物品的一个特点。PPT 1任务呈现
(3分钟)1.T:I have got a new hat. What colour is it?Guess?
2. Show the picture of Activity 1 in Unit 1. Ask the students: What has the sheep got?
Ss look at the picture and answer: She has got a hat.
3. Let the students ask some questions about the hat.
Ss ask questions, e.g. What color is the hat? Is it red?
4. Sum up the little story.
设计意图:简单的描述图意后,让学生思考关于图中hat的样子能问出什么问题,如果学生没有考虑到颜色,教师可以提示What color is it? Can you guess? 帮助学生提取他们之前学过的知识:Is it...? 并将此核心语言板书在黑板上,引导构建话题语言框架,而后让学生带着问题看视频。既培养学生提问的意识,吸引他们关注故事发展,又通过问题了解他们对旧知的熟悉程度,为核心语言在文本中的学习做好铺垫。PPT2
(12分钟)1.Show the pictures of computers(闪过),Then ask What are they?
2.show the two computers,one is big and expensive ,the other is small and cheap .teach: expensive and cheap.
1. Look and say: Show the pictures of Amy and Grandma. Ask the students: What has Amy got?
S1: Amy has got a computer.
S2: No. They are talking on the phone.
2. T: Amy is talking about her new computer with her grandma. Can she see her grandma? Can Grandma see Amy? So Grandma asks some questions about Amy’s computer. Watch and find out Grandma’s questions.
Teach the word expensive.
Show some pictures with price tag, let the students compare with them and choose which one is expensive.
Teach the word cheap.
Ask the students: Is Amy’s computer expensive? Teach the word cheap--it means not expensive.
Ss watch the cartoon of Activity 2, get grandma’s question, then learn the word expensive, cheap.
3. Stick the key words around the picture of Amy’s computer on the blackboard.
Ss sum up the features of Amy’s computer according to the key words.
4. Teach the word helpful.
T: What does Amy ask about grandma’s computer? Can you guess? You can ask more questions, now let’s watch and check.
Play the cartoon again.
T: Why grandma’s computer is helpful?