T:You will be sheep, I will be wolf. Let’s have a race. Can the wolf catch the sheep?
How to play? First, what do the sheep say? And the wolf? 教认读:time o’clock (思维导图)
Then what do the sheep say? And the wolf?认读:What’s the time,Mr Wolf?
Why do the sheep run quickly?
Listen ,point and say.观看动画:Part1
认读:time o’clock
认读:What’s the time, Mr Wolf?
Ss: Because Mr Wolf wants to eat the sheep.
Listen ,point and say. 围绕游戏组织教学,充分激活学生学习热情;引导学生发现,听辨语音,学说句子,理解语境。IV.导入Part2I know you like this game very much. After the lesson, we’ll play the game together. First, let’s learn the new lesson. M7U1 What’s the time?明确课题 M7U1 What’s the time?过渡语句,呈现课题V.任务呈现在今天的课文中,Sam很关注时间,你想知道为什么吗?本课中,我们也将学习用英语表达整点时刻。思考问题,明确任务概括语境,呈现任务VI.任务准备
(Part2教学)Watch the CDROM.(感知课文语境)
T:What does Sam like? 教cartoon(图片示范,学生举例)much
T:When is the cartoon on TV? 教 at 8 o’clock(看图描述)
T:Sam wants to know the time. How does Sam ask?板书:What’s the time? It’s 2 o’clock.
T:Who helps Sam? Let’s listen and find.
Group work:同桌合作完成调查表(希沃与白板)
It’s 2 o’clock
It’s 4 o’clock
It’s 6 o’clock
全体分角色表演读: 2、3、4图内容
T:It’s 8 o’clock. Does Sam see the film? Why?
T:Sam likes the film. And he like the games too.
So he’s very tired. He can’t see the film.
I think we should reasonably arrange work and rest time.
T:Time is important. Clock is important,too.