T: Who will try?
S: This boy is thin. This boy is fat.
T: Is he right?
S: Yeah.
T: Yes. You got it. Let’s go on.(再看PPT)
S: This boy is tall. This boy is short.
T: You are right. Look at the apples(播放PPT)
S:This apple is big. These apples are small.
T: (强调 these apples发音)again. Come on. It’s easy.
S:This apple is big. These apples are small.
T: Is she right. Yeah.
S: Yeah. Let’s give her a big hand.
T: OK. Boys and girls. Can you see more.
S: This car is red. This car is green
T: Yes or no.
S: Yes.
T: Yeah. You got it. OK. Boys and girls. They are different.(播放PPT)look Sam and Tom. They fell different. Tom is happy. But Sam is tired. Do you know why? Ok , Let’s watch the video. (播放PPT)have you get this answer? Look this ball. It’s very_____?
S: It’s very heavy.
T: It’s very heavy. Right?
S: Yeah
T: look, there are two bags. Who can carry the bags? OK, you .come here.(学生到台前拿包)the first one. please。 Face to your classmates. Is it heavy?
S: No.
T: What about this one? Is it heavy?
T: Yes ,this one is heavy. OK. Thank you. Go to your seat ,please. This one is heavy. How do we spell heavy.
T:(展示单词卡片)read the word.(叫同学读单词)one by one. Stop here. Together. So ,this one is heavy. now, let’s look ,listen and follow it.(播放PPT) (同学跟读短文) They fell different, because they are carrying different things. Where can we buy different things?
S: Supermarket.
T: Yes supermarket. And ?
S: Shop.