设计场景,让学生在体验和实践中熟练使用英语礼貌用语,由学科核心素养逐步形成综合性核心素养。教学重点难点重点:理解Have you got…的含义,并懂得在实际语境中灵活运用该句型询问信息,并根据实际情况做出正确回答。
难点: 培养学生正确使用英语礼貌用语。教学准备T: PPT,word cards,CD-ROM,witch’s costume, English books
Ss: Preview homework before class, text books教学策略与
教学方法《英语课程标准》中明确规定把对学生的学习兴趣、态度和自信心的培养放在英语教学的首要地位。新课改提倡小学英语教学活动化,即为学生创设一种真实可行的活动情境,在情境中学习新知,获得发展。因此,本课联系哈利·波特这一相关主题,通过PPT、道具、授课教师扮演女巫师、学生猜礼物等手段,创设了真实有趣的语言情景,让学生学会在特定情景中用“Have you got..”和“Yes,I have./ No, I haven’t”等句型进行交际。采用了情景教学法、活动教学法、小组合作学习法、直观教学法等,让学生在听、说、读、写、唱、玩、演、练中学习知识,促进学生对句型的理解和记忆。教学过程设计意图Greeting
1. Warm-up
Sing a song (Clap hands while singing)
I’ve got a pet.
2. Lead-in
T: I have some good news for you. Today we are going to meet a new friend. But first, I need you to close your eyes.
(Ask students to close their eyes. T puts on a witch’s costume so as to play another role in class)
T (in witch’s costume) greets students and makes a self-introduction by saying a chant.
I’m Mrs. Janet. I come from a book. I’m a nice lady and also very polite. I brought you some gifts. Please take a look.
3. Presentation
T shows students a bag filled with gifts (sausage, candy, pencil, toys, etc.) T shows some gifts from the bag and leads students to describe the things with following sentence pattern that they’ve learnt before:
You’ve got …(a sausage/ a pencil)
T gives students gifts and leads them to use polite words such as:
Thank you. You are welcome.
T:Now can you guess what else I have got? You can try and ask me, like this: Excuse me. (Teach the words) Have you got …? (Introduce the sentence pattern and stick the sentence on the blackboard)
S: Excuse me. Have you got…?
T: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. / Sorry, I haven’t. But I’ve got …
T takes off witch’s costume and then invites students to check the message from Mrs. Janet (the witch)
Play the Video from Ms Janet
Message from Ms Janet: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Have you got presents from me? I hope so. I also sent you some books. Look, Harry Potter. These are my favorite. I put them in your school library. You can borrow the books from here. I hope you will like them. See you.
T: So now, boys and girls, what have we got?
S: Harry Potter books.
T: Bingo. But where are there?
S: In the library.
T: Yes, in the library. But how can we borrow the books from the library? Let’s take a look.
4. Reading