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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点五年级下册Unit 2 You can use the computers.下载详情
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Sing songs and say the chants.


Ⅱ. Lead in and present the topic

Think about the questions: (1) What’s the song about?

(2) What have we learnt before about the library?

Ask students to do the performance show about borrowing at the library.

Show the pictures and lead in: Rules (Several kinds of rules)--- Library Rules

(设计意图: 从学生已有的知识储备入手,引出本课的主题。)

Ⅲ. Present the title and task

Task: Know more rules

(设计意图: 明确课题和学习任务,使学习更具目的性。)

Ⅳ. Know about the library rules

Activity 1: Predict which is applicable to the library rules.

Activity 2: Check the prediction through the content of the text.

Activity 3: Talk about the language points of the text.

Activity 4: Know more about library rules.

(Ss share the rules they know, T writes them on the Bb.)

(设计意图: 调动学生的主观能动性,从预测到验证到学习到拓展,循序渐进学习教材文本。)

Ⅴ. Judge the kids behaviors and give the suggestions

Activity 1: Ss observe the pictures and talk in group.

Activity 2: Share ideas in the class.

Activity 3: Moral education

(设计意图: 通过观察儿童在图书馆的行为,给出建议,使语言学习落实到语言运用, 同时适时进行德育渗透。)

= 6 ﹨* ROMAN VI . Repeat the text


Ⅶ. Sum up

Sum up the language point: You can … / You can’t …

(设计意图: 对目标语句进行归纳梳理。)

Ⅷ. Know more rules.

Activity 1: Flashing riddles and guess.
