1. What do you want to know about Helen Keller? 学生问问题。
借助电子白板软件,顺势出示思维导图的四个方面:personal information, learning experience, work and achievement.
2. Watch the video, and find the information about her.
学生汇报,随机学习新单词和词组。illness﹨born﹨learn﹨could﹨round﹨all over the world. 完成电子白板中的思维导图。
3. 学生跟读课文,齐读课文,汇报读。
4. 根据思维导图复述课文。第一遍呈现完整的思维导图,第二遍呈现缩减版思维导图,增加复述难度。
5. 完成活动3.邀请一名学生到台前。利用电子白板笔在白板上作答。
6. 学习活动一的chant.
Step 3
1. 根据思维导图提供的信息猜一位名人。最后答案为澳大利亚著名残疾人演说家、社会活动家尼克胡哲。
T: What couldn’t he do when he was a baby?
S: He couldn’t walk. He couldn’t play football. He couldn’t draw pictures...
T: What can he do ?
S: He can swim. He can go fishing. He can travel round the world and tell her story...
S: He can do anything.
T: What other famous person do you know? They are broken in body and firm in spirit.
学生回答问题,汇报其他身残志坚的名人——Edison, Hawking, Zhang Haidi, Beethoven, Tai Lihua ...
A: Who is this?
B: It’s Edison.
A: When was he born?
B: He was born in ...
A: What could he do?
B: He could ...
A: What couldn’t he do?
B: He couldn’t ..
A: Wow. He is a model for us.
Step 4