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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点六年级下册Unit 1 We're going to different schools.下载详情

六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)《Unit 1 We’re going to different schools.》公开课教案下载-石狮市优质课

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重点:用一般将来时be going to谈论未来的计划和打算,并在沟通交流中运用形容词表达自己的心情。

难点:little,keep on,each other的理解和运用。


Step I Warm up


T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

T: My name is Milly. Hello, everybody!

Ss: hello, Milly!

T: Today I’m very happy to have an English class together with you. I hope we can have a good cooperation and you can do a really good job in the class. Can you?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Come on!

Free talk

T: You know I’m a teacher. I am from Xiwang Primary School.

How about you? Which primary school are you from? Please answer me together.

T: Are you still students of Zhonghua Primary School this September?

The students answer and teach :middle school (出示词卡 )

T: You’re going to start middle school this September.

Please say it together. (We’re going to leave Zhonghua primary school. We’re going to start middle school this September.)

T: Which middle school are you going to go this September?

PPT shows the pictures of different middle schools and the students answer.

T: So you are going to different middle schools. Right?

Step II Presentation

T: Please read it together.引出课题

Module 10 Unit 1 We’re going to different schools.

T: What’s the differences between middle school and primary school? Have a discussions with your deskmates and then tell me.

T: What’s your feeling now? Why?

The students answer and show the words of feeling.

T: Some of you are happy, some of you are excited. How about Lingling? She’s also going to middle school. How does she feel?

Step III New teaching