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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点三年级下册Lesson 28下载详情
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2.(1)T: In our text, who are they? What are they talking about? Now, let’s listen and answer.

T:Well,the first one, who are they?

T:Good answer! A book mark for you.

T:OK.Let’s look at the next question. What are they talking about?

T:Exactly! A book mark for you.

(2)Let’s listen and read.

(3)T: Let’s look at this word. ”quail” (把quail图贴到黑板上)What’s this? (It’s an egg.) And what’s this? It’s a quail egg. Do you like quail eggs? Have some quail eggs, please. A quail egg’s mother is a quail. What’s meaning, quail? Let’s spell together: q-u-q-i-l---quail, quail. qu/kw/, ai/ei/, l/l/, quail, quail. Read it one by one.(画一只鹌鹑) Is it a chick?(板书)

(4)T: (举小鸡图片)What’s this? (It’s a chick.)

(指鹌鹑)Is it a chick?

How to form an interrogative sentence? Put is in front of it.

Read after me: Is it a chick?(全班读到)Perfect!


只拿图片,作疑问句 Right!

拿实物 Well done!

图片背对学生,猜 Wow! You are so clever! Excellent! Wonderful! Wow! I like your pronunciation! A book mark for you! You also did a good job!

(5)Now, let’s listen and follow.

(6)Can you read in roles? Who wants to be Yang Ming/father?

(7)If you don’t know what’s this, you can use “Is it a ~~”to get the answers. For example, in my hand, what’s this?(吕智奥)So you can choose one stationery and talk about it in your groups. OK. Begin!

T:Are you ready? Which group can have a try? Your group, please.

Perfect action! Let’s clap for them. Here are two book marks for you. Which group can try again? Your group, please.

After class, please read the text to your father, your mother, your grandpa, your grandma and so on.

3.(1)You’re all good boys and girls. Now let’s review letters from A to P.

We’ve learned so many letters and words. I’m so proud of you.

(2)1) Look, Q is it O? (No, it’s Q.) Q,Q。R, Is it P? (No, it’s R.) R,R. Read the letters as loudly as you can.(替换,让生辨认,晃他们)

2) How to write Q and R? Let’s look at the strokes on the screen.

Use your fingers to write with me.

Write one time on your book.

After class, you should write each letter one line.

3) Let’s have a chant. Q Q quail, R R rabbit, R R rooster.
