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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Helping hands下载详情
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For speaking: learn about how to read poems with rhythms

3. Emotions:

Students can learn to care about the ordinary people around us过程与方法Students read and understand the poem by read aloud and find facts to support ideas

model after the poem to write a new one in groups教学重点Key skills: writing ( how to write a short verse of poems)教学难点Students can learn to use rhymes, writing methods, mind map to help to write about people around us.课文分析The reading material is an interview. The tense used is present tense and it consists of dialogues. The whole text develop under one question: what can tree help us. Finally, it calls on for tree protection.学情分析Students in class six have a relatively good grasp of English. They are good at listening and can react to the teachers instructions rapidly, but they lack of training of modeling after a poem to write a new one.


教学步骤教学目标教师活动学生活动技能获得Step 1 Warm-up (2’)To review some factors about poemsShow Ss a video about poems and ask some questions about it.Watch the video and answer teacher’s questionStep 2

listening (5’)To get Ss train the skill of getting key words1. Show two pictures about two jobs and ask Ss to predict what they do;

2. Ask them to listen to the tape twice to get key words of the poem.

3. check answers1. look at the pictures and remind themselves of what they usually do;

2. listen and fill in the blanks.

3. check answersStep3

readingTo help Ss understand the poem better and train some reading skills.1. ask Ss to read the poem and finish the table;

2. check the answers together;

3. ask Ss to find out some feelings of the writer towards two jobs and to give evidence.

4. Ask Ss to read the poem aloud with the given rhythm.1. read the poem and finish the table;

2. check the answers;

3. read the poem and find out the writer’s feelings by giving evidence;

4. read the poem in the way the teacher teaches in groups.

Scan the poem and analyze itStep 4

writingTo learn to write a short verse about people around usask Ss to read a poem about their class and find out what to write about;

ask Ss to look at the four Ss in class and tell their characteristics;

ask Ss to review some writing methods of the poems they learn;

show Ss two examples and let them guess who is writing about;

summarize in which way they can write about people;

ask them to discuss in groups and have a competition.1.read a poem about our class and find out the tone of the verse

2. look at the four Ss and think of their characteristics;

3. review some writing methods;

4. read the two examples shown by teachers and summarize the aspects;

5. finish the mind map together;

6. work in groups to use the mind map following the example to write about people for others to guess
