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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section C下载详情
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文化意识: 了解学生募捐在国内外的异同点。教学重难点分析:1.Key points:

(1)Words and expressions :raise , king, queen, common, Canadian, dollar, somebody,

think of, use sth. to do sth. serve sth. to sb.

(2)Sentences: It’s very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.

It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.

And even can use the headmaster’s mobile phone to call home.

2.Difficult points:Understand the adverbial Clauses of Time。


多媒体教学平台教学资源 PPT 、导学案等教学过程或环节教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤学生学习策略设计意图Step 1

Warming-upReview the wordsRead the words复习前一课时的单词,为学习新课铺垫。Step 2 LeadingShow PPT :

Michael wants to buy a new bike , but he doesn’t have enough money . Let the Ss think of how to get money for a new bicycle.Think of how to get money for a new bicycle.

通过让学生思考怎样得到购买自行车的资金导入到筹钱的话题.。Step 3 Pre - readingLet the Ss discuss the best way to raise money.Complete 3a, 3b.

让学生思考中国学生不同的筹钱方式.Step 4 Pre - readingPresent a few pieces of playing cards to teach the new words.Learn the new words.

通过图片展示,让学生学习本课的新单词。Step 5

Pre - readingPut some cards into a box and encourage some students to play a “lucky draw” game. Play the “lucky draw”

game.通过图片展示,让学生思考国外学生不同的筹钱方式.Step 6 While-readingLet the Ss read 1a and do 1b, 1c.

T: Do you enjoy the “lucky draw” game?Read 1a and do 1b, 1c.让学生通过听课文回答问题的方式,获取文章主题。

培养学生利用上下文的句子,快速理解单词意思的能力。Step 7 While-reading Let the Ss read 1a, underline the infinitives and deal with the difficult points.

Read 1a, underline the infinitives and understand the difficult points.


2.让学生读课文,找出动词不定式的句子以巩固其用法。Step 8 While-readingGive the Ss a few minutes to finish 2 .Finish 2 .复习、巩固不定式的用法。 Exercise Show PPT,have students do the exercise Finish the exercise .复习本课重点句型的运用SummaryEncourage the Ss to summarize the important points in groups.Discuss and summarize the key points.对本课所学进行概括小结。Homework1.Review the key points in Section A - C.

2.Collect more verbs with the structure “v. + to do sth. ” and “v. + sb. + to do sth. ”

3.Preview Section D.

Blackboard designUnit 6

Topic 1 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquakes?

Section C

Words and expressions: Difficult points: Grammar: Infinitives(动词不定式)

raise queen are sold It’s common to do sth.

dollar king is drawn ways to raise money

lucky draw cost some money to buy a ticket