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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级上册Lesson 1下载详情
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Hello, boys and girls, the new term is coming, I had a wonderful dream during my holiday, we had a new friend in our class. Look at this picture. Can you find him?(出示超人坐在班里最后一排图片让学生观察并寻找,吸引学生的注意力并导入主题)

T: Who is he ? S1: Superman T: Is he superman? Let’s listen. (展示超人飞行图片和一段自我介绍的语音)T:What should we say to him?引领学生说出句型Welcome to our class. T: We know superman has a special action, can you do it? Let’s try to do it.全体同学一起不自觉地模仿superman,教师给予肯定“Now, you are the Superman,please answer my questions with this action”.然后请几名同学以超人的身份边回答老师的问题边做他的代表动作。Such as: What’s your name?/How old are you?/Where are you from?/Are you strong?/Can you fly?期间引出美国所在世界地图的位置,插小旗和单词供学生巩固以前所学单词。(学生主动参与,乐于模仿,此项活动既考察了听力又训练了口语表达能力,复习已学日常交际用语)

Who can say all these sentences with this action? Do you want to try? 邀请一名学生到前边将所有问题归纳成一个自我描述的小段落,然后做着超人的动作展示给大家,(循序渐进地引导学生做出完整的自我介绍。)

由此名同学到前边展示为自然情境,引出句型“Come to the front/Go back to your seat。”让学生根据动态小人理解句意并运用。T: Great! Here’s a sign for you.(激励性评价和超人标志奖励充分调动学生主动参与的热情。)


1、播放超人环游地球小视频:Superman saves people all over the world, a boy is in dangerous, where is Superman? He’s here,找到白板上世界地图英国的位置,插小旗出示单词教学Britain. 学生认读、巩固单词。T:What happened?让学生观看男孩在超人救助下抢回生命片段T:It’s amazing!What a lucky boy! We want to know some information about him and finish this paper. Here’s a letter from him,it can help you .please read silently.(以男孩写给超人的信为阅读材料,让学生带着任务去阅读,有针对性)期间学习缩写形式I’m=I am,两个同义句I come from…=I’m from…,然后分别给出两个完整的同义句结构,然后引出不同询问方式Where are you from? Where do you come from? 让学生感知巩固,为lesson3的进一步学习做铺垫。独立完成被救男孩情况调查,并两人一组进行交流,包括name﹨age﹨country﹨place以书面形式巩固单词,并在回答老师的问题中渗透对第三人称的基本情况进行提问和回答。

2、Ricky comes from Britain, who comes from Britain ,too? Do you know? Shakespeare/Queen Elizabeth/Beckham…(教师将学生了解的英国名人翻译成英文,并做简单职业介绍,让学生感知)I tell you Bob is from Britain , too. Who is Bob? (播放课文视频)T: Let’s read by yourselves, then read in groups one by one. At last, reveal the answer ,Bob is a new friend in their class.由来自英国的著名人物,引出同样来自英国的普通小学生,导入本课对话,用多种朗读形式巩固对话。

3 、Superman goes on flying, he gets here and helps people here , Which country is it? Australia. 在世界地图上插小旗出示单词教学Australia,ask and answer in pairs by using this word .(将新单词带入两个同义句,分男女生角色问答进行巩固)Have you been to Australia? Let’s look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.(看图填空,了解澳大利亚文化特色同时既复习已学单词又拓展词汇。)

T: Can you imagine he comes to this country?It’s near Australia.(Teaching New Zealand by the same way)let’s go to New Zealand! What do you think of New Zealand? There’s a kind of bird in New Zealand ,what’s its name ?New Zealand is an island. Explain island.(播放介绍新西兰的记录片供学生了解,然后根据所看所得判断句子对错,拓展延伸、为本单元的fun facts学习打下基础。从文字到图片培养学生阅读的能力以及综合使用英语解决问题的能力。)


Do you believe superman is really in our class? Close your eyes.(以超人真的来到班里为悬疑,播放超人出场音乐,一名学生身着超人服饰出现并自我介绍,学生们被真超人所吸引,教师借机布置四组任务)T:Let’s finish 4 tasks to welcome Superman.

Task 1: Sing a song to welcome superman.(歌曲Welcome to our school为超人到来拉开序幕。)

Task 2:Have an English class with superman according to lesson 1.(与超人同上一节课,巩固本课对话。)

Task 3: Talk about the countries with superman by using hand-copied paper . 与超人一起谈论每个人制作的不同国家的手抄报并做汇报(在整个过程中习得语言、拓展中外知识,体会学习的快乐)

Task4: Show superman our school life. 展示校园文化生活,突出本校足球、合唱、啦啦操等优势项目,(多才多艺的孩子们有了展示的平台,既训练了语言项目又增强了学生的自信心。)

在优美的英语歌声下,四组学生展开活动演练。Show time begins.四组成员和真超人进行交流对话,教师鼓励性语言、超人送出准备好的标志,增强了师生、生生间情感。谈论手抄报期间教师询问:Which country do you like best?引出We like China best, because it’s our motherland.带领全班边做手势边说:Great! My country! Great China!(厉害了,我的国!进行爱国主义情感的渲染。)



T:In our daily life, there are many people who work hard and do the most for people , I think they’re the real superheroes. Do you think so ?(德育渗透,在我们日常生活中,从事各行各业的人们努力工作为人民做出了最大的贡献,他们就是真正的超级英雄。)


1、Choose your favorite cartoon figure ,design a sign(标志) and write the name/age/country…then introduce him or her.

2、Read the dialogue of lesson 1.

(六) 板书