I. Warming up
1. Greetings
2.Duty report:
I have a friend. He / She has__. She is__. Can you guess who he / she is?
3. Let’s sing a song: How old are you?
II. Presentation
1. T: What shall we ask when we want to know your age?当我们询问对方年龄的时候我们应当怎样问?
How old are you? I am… or I’m…(板书)
2. Practice: T: How old are you? S: I’m…
Practice in groups and report.
3. Look! Gao Wei is coming. What shall we ask if we want to know his age?
How old is he? He is… or He’s…
4. Practice: T: How old are you? S1: I’m… T: How old is he? S: He’s… Ask one by one.(板书)
5. Look! A little girl is coming. What shall we ask?
How old is she? She is… or She’s…
6. Practice: T: How old are you? S1: I’m… T: How old is she? S: She’s… Ask one by one.(板书)
7. What about this pretty lady?解释对于西方人来说,年长的人或女士的年龄是一个秘密,如果询问这些人的年龄是没有礼貌的行为。
8. Group work: Make a dialogue about age.
9. Sing the song again with the word of dialogue.
10.由music club, art club, dance club导出club, art club.
11. The pretty lady and the little girl is waiting outside the art club.
Let’s listen what they say and fill the blanks.
12. Watch the video and answer the questions.
III. Practice
1. Read the dialogue and fill the blanks.
2. Group work: introduce your friend to your parteners.
IV. Sum up and Homework