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人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 1》精品教案下载-通辽市优质课

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针对学生在课堂上的表现,我及时给予评价,其中有针对学生个人的评价也有针对小组的评价,还有利用平板电脑对学生学习情况作出的分析和评价。问题框架如何利用多媒体电教手段提高英语课堂效率?三、Flow Chart of Teaching 教学简案Step1: Warm-up

(Review the phrases.)

Draw pictures, sing a song, have a picnic, have a good time, have a party, music room, art room, sports room, come to school.

Step2: Presentation

(Teach the new sentences.)

1. Read the 1st paragraph and try to answer the questions.

2. Teach the new sentences: Welcome to our school!

I often borrow books from the library.

3. Practice in groups.

Step3: Practice

(Practice the sentences.)

1. Read the dialogue

1) Read the 2nd paragraph and 3rd paragraph, then, make a tell.

2) Read the dialogue, then read in row.

3) Fill the blanks.

2. Practice in groups Show around our school.

Step4: Summary

(Summary the class and set the homework.)

1. Summary the class with the students.

2. Set homework.四、Teaching process 教学过程Teacher’s Activity

教师活动Students’ Activity

预设学生活动Purpose of Design

设计意图Step 1: Warm-up:

1) Greetings:

Good morning boys and girls.

Welcome back to school! How are you?

I’m fine, too.

2) Review some phrases:

Step 2: Presentation:

1. Winter vacation is over. Today is the first day of the new term. And it’s the OPEN HOUSE at our school. Many visitors come to our school. What’s visitor?