T: Do you like to go shopping?
S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
T: In unit2, It’s mainly talking about shopping toys. What kinds of toys do you remenber?
S: Toy train/ boat/ ship/ coach...
T: Yes. Where can we get them?
S: Shop. / Toy shop.
T: And we can call it special shop. Here are some pictures. Where is it?(PPT 出示各类特殊商店图片)
S:cloth shop/ ice cream shop/ cake shop...
T: They are special shops.(板书Special Shops in the World)
Step1: 呈现茶艺的图片,提问问题,引发学生思考:What are they? Where can we get them?(tea/ tea-things) (shop/ teashop)
呈现巧克力的图片,提问问题,引发学生思考:What are they? Where can we get them? (hen/ eggs/ chocolate)
Step2: Let’s go into the shop together. Before that here are some questions. Please read them.(五名学生读题)
Step3: Group reading. Read the text with these questions, and underline the answers.(锦囊选择,辅助阅读)
Step4: Check the answers. (拓展not “red tea” but “black tea”)
三、Practise: Pair work(对话二选一) 给出语言框架,学生适当拓展,完善对话。
四、Sum-up: 视野拓展,图片展示三个special shop。