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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 15下载详情
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To learn and master the sentences: You should help to do housework. You should keep your room clean. You shouldn’t watch TV too often. You shouldn’t read in bed.

Teaching difficulties: You should go to bed early. You shouldn’t get up late.

Read and act out the passage 教学方法听说读写,愉快教学法、情景教学法、活动学法 教学准备PPT、 cards, tape, book教学过程增加、删减Step1:Warm-up

Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

2. Let’s chant, look at PPT : i/ai/ P28


To learn : help to do housework

Make sentence: You should help to do housework.

To learn: What should we do at home?

结合实际情况引入并板书句子,师生对话进行练习,学生one by one 进行练习,鼓励学生与听课教师进行实际对话,教师及时给予积极的评价:Excellent! Super! Good! Great!etc.

To learn: keep your room clean go to bed early

Make sentence: You should keep your room clean. You should go to bed early.

4. To learn: What should we not to do at home?

a: T: get up late .watch TV too often. read in bed.(展示图片)领读, 练说句子.师问生答,生问师答,生生问答进行练习。

c: 问答结束时由师引入:You shouldn’t get up late. You shouldn’t watch TV too often. You shouldn’t read in bed. Practice in pairs.学生展示师随时评价:That’s good.

Listening practice

1).Listen and follow the tape

2). Pair work. Do the pair work with your partner, Then show your dialogue.

3). Group work Free. talk or read the dialogue. Summary and homework

1. Listen to the tape and read the conversation some times.

2. Finish the exercise-books.

3. Make a new dialogue in groups.

4. A、B:Try to retell the conversation

C、D: Read the conversation loudly

Blackboard Design:

Unit 3 We should obey the rules.

Lesson 15

You should help to do housework.

You should keep your room clean.

You should go to bed early.
