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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 15下载详情
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Teaching ways:听说读写,探究式学法、小组讨论法、体验式学法 Teaching tools:PPT、 cards, textbookTeaching stepsStep1:Warm-up

Greetings. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Ma.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

Show the picture of rules (traffic rules, school rules,class rules,home rules). ask students read subject :We should obey the rules.


1. Teacher shows the words or phrases for students. Ask students to look and say.

Then, show the important phrases. Let students learn and say the phrases: help to do housework, keep your room clean, go to bed early, get up late, watch TV too often, read in bed.

2、Let students open the books and read the passage quickly and freely. All the students think about task 1: Please find out Peter’s home rules.

T: What are Peter’s home rules?

S1: help to do housework

S2: go to bed early

S3: He should keep the room clean.

S4: He shouldn’t get up late.


3、 Ask students to read the home rules on the blackboard. Teacher points and says: Yes, They are Peter’s home rules.

4、 Listen to the passage carefully. Then, six students in a group talk about Task2: Teacher asks students: Why does Peter’s mother make the home rules for him?

S1: He doesn’t like to do housework.

S2: He often makes a mess in his room.

S3: He watches TV too often.

S4: He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.

T: Yes, so cool. Let’s say it together.

5. Teacher shows the picture and says new words and difficult sentences.

eg: T: sometimes

Ss: sometimes, sometimes, But sometimes Peter is not a good boy at home.

T: doesn’t

Ss: doesn’t(可根据情况定练习次数) He doesn’t like to do housework.


Step3 practice
