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师梦圆初中英语教材同步北师大版八年级下册Reading: A Daughter’s Letter; Life in the 1950s下载详情

北师大2011课标版《Reading: A Daughter’s Letter; Life in the 1950s》优质课PPT课件下载-河北省优课

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her mother ?

The famous line: “ You don’t know

what you’ve got until it’s gone.” and

Miss Li’s story.

A few days ago, we learned a poem and discussed the famous line “ You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. ”Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a huge difference in her life. She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her. She was sad about this. This made me think a lot, especially when I’m thousands of kilometers away from home. I am writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.


Paragraph 2

A few days ago, we learned a poem and discussed the famous line “ You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. ”Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a huge difference in her life. She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her. She was sad about this. This made me think a lot, especially when I’m thousands of kilometers away from home. I am writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.

What did Liu Fei get from her mother?

What has gone for Liu Fei?

Why Liu Fei writes to her mother

Read Paragraph 3,4 and 5, underline the answers on your book.

What Liu Fei’s mother did with her

What Liu Fei’s mother said to her

What Liu Fei’s mother did with her

What Liu Fei’s mother said to her

held her hand

counted steps

told stories,

encouraged her to be…

mum read , played with

took walks, chatting, laughing together

Paragraph 3

A friend once said that a person’s happiness was

mostly because of their childhood. I agree with her.

I still remember the times when you held my hand

and counted steps with me as we walk along. You

told me stories about the brave elephant and

encouraged me to be confident girl. I also

remember that in our small flat, you read books at