Look at these. Can you do it better now? Let’s try together. Number 1, …(一起回答), number 2, …
Why is this easier? Yes. One word has several meanings. But, we are not familiar with some of the meanings. This is called 一词多义。我们平常在复习词汇时需要怎样, 对,多积累。
Ok. Task 3. please fill in the blanks with proper words from the box. 1 minutes.
Time is up. Well done. Number 1,(找学生单独回答). Number 2, ……
Why can we choose these words here? 我们还要关注句子的语境意义。
So, look at these words again, 他们最常出现在中考哪种题型中呢?
Yes, 完形填空。cloze test. 我们上学期完形做的怎样?满分15分,我们的平均分多少?
是哪些学科能力导致我们得分率低呢? 我们可以看到, 主要是词的理解和运用,还有 篇章层次语境以及段落层次语境等。这些能力正好是完形的考核点。所以,在完形上,我们还是有比较大的上升空间的。我们上节课学习了做完形的四种方法?大家还记得吗?(板书) methods(方法) 原词复现,近义反义,图片提示,一词多义
Please read this passage and choose a noun to make up a question. Think now. (老师尽量少说话,让学生充分发言,提醒context,或者解释 语境支撑不够)
我们现在看看丰台一模的出题老师选择的是哪个词语? Camp. With these options, can you choose the correct answer?
Please choose a verb to make up a question.
我们现在看看海淀区的出题老师选择的是哪个词语? push. With these options, can you choose the correct answer?
Please choose an adj. to make up a question.
西城区的出题老师会选择哪个词语呢? angry. 我们来试着设置一下选项可以吗? Any good ideas? (可板书学生提到的形容词)
我们看看出题老师给的是哪些选项? Ok, now, let’s do it by yourselves, ok? One more thing,我们在选词挖空时一定要注意什么呀?yes,注意要有语境支撑。