b) The life story of a famous radio presenter.
c) How radio works.
When he was15
As he grew older
When he was 9
When he was 4
Did a sound check./Got his first real job.
Learnt about Internet radio
Tried to work on it.
Asked for part-time jobs in small radio.
Sat close to the radio, listening to his favorite programmes.
A timeline of the writer’s radio times
It seemed that the presenters were speaking not to the listeners. ( )
He hoped someone might be listening when he played music or talked about his life on the Internet radio. ( )
They prepared a research program on articles about music,sports news and so on. ( )
The writer and the manager sat in the same room to do a sound check.( )
5.The purpose of doing the sound check is to check the English level. ( )
How old are you?” The radio manager looked down at me.
“Fifteen,’’ I said.
“And you want a job in radio? Shouldn’t you be at school?”, he asked.
describing an important event in the past
“I have always loved the radio. I still remember, when I was four years old, I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favourite programmes and to the voices of my favourite presenters.
giving background information
My English/ swimming/basketball/ reading times