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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版九年级上册Section C下载详情
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1a Read and understand

A special program for street kids, called “Kids in the Hall”, helps homeless children like Zack. “In the Hall” is the name of a restaurant in Edmonton. The food is prepared, cooked and served by the street kids. At the same time ,the kids are learning restaurant skills . When they finish their training, it will be easy for them to find jobs.

However, street kids must obey strict rules. If anyone takes drugs or disobeys other rules, he can’t stay in the program. He has to return to the streets.

Zack thinks that these rules are strict. But he says, ”The program ‘Kids in the Hall’ has given me a good chance to succeed. It will help me live like other kids again.

1b Work alone Read 1a again and finish the following tasks.

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

a. To describe some delicious food.

b. To talk about a boy named Zack.

2. List two other programs mentioned in the article.

a. No clothes for children.

b. __________________

c. __________________

c. To talk about a program that helps homeless people.

No house to live in

No job

3. Explain how Edmonton Community Services helps solve these programs.

a. Edmonton Community Services lends money to parents so that they can buy clothes for children.


c. _______________________

Edmonton Community Services helps rent

apartments for them to live in.

The organization helps people get jobs.

Work alone Mark the following sentences (T) for True or (F) for False according to 1a

( ) 1. The famous program “ Kids in the Hall” is in Canada.

( ) 2. Edmonton Community Services seldom helps people get jobs.

( ) 3. “ In the Hall” is the name of a restaurant in Edmonton .

( ) 4. Street kids often disobey the strict rules.



