2. Where will they go?
Tomorrow is Saturday.
They will go to the park.
1. Will Danny fly a kite?
2.1.Please listen and answer:
He will not fly a kite.
No, he will not.
Danny will not fly a kite. Why?
I have courage(勇气) to fly a kite.
Danny will not fly a kite, then(那么) What will Danny do tomorrow?
2.1.Please read and answer:
How does Jenny feel?
Jenny is angry.
The baby is angry.
The girl is angry.
The boy is angry.
Because he will pick some flowers
for his mother.
He will pick some flowers for his mother,
Because he loves his mother.
If you are Danny,
what do you do for your mother?
Danny will pick some flowers for his mother , then What will he do?
He will run home and close the door.
He will run home and close the door,
Because he is afraid. He is wrong.