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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版九年级下册Section C下载详情
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William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850) Willian Wordsworth is a British Romantic poet whose poems are mainly about the beauty of nature. They often describe the countryside in the Lake District in northwest England, where he went to live in the village of Grasmere with his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth , who was also a writer.

1b Read 1a and answer the following questions.

1. Why did William Wordsworth love to take long walks in the mountains when he was young?

2. What are his poems mainly about?

3. When did he usually get the inspiration of writing a poem?

4. How did he write his poems down?

5. What makes Wordsworth’s poems different from those of other poets?

His parents died when he was a child, and his life with his grandparents was not very happy.

1. Why did William Wordsworth love to take long walks in the mountains when he was young?

2. What are his poems mainly about?

His poems are mainly about the power, beauty and mystery of nature.

3. When did he usually get the inspiration of writing a poem?

He usually got the inspiration of writing a poem during long walks.

4. How did he write his poems down?

He told them to his sister, Dorothy, who wrote them down for him.

5. What makes Wordsworth’s poems different from

those of other poets?

He used simple language in his poems, and he described the lives of common people.

1. leading A. to say what somebody or something is like

2. describe B. most important

3. mystery C. happening often

4. common D. something that is difficult to understand or

to explain

1c Read 1a again and match the words with

their meanings.


Retell the passage according to the key words.